While the majority of proteins fold rapidly and spontaneously to their
native states, the extracellular bacterial protease alpha-lytic prote
ase (alpha LP) has a t(1/2) for folding of similar to 2,000 years, cor
responding to a folding barrier of 30 kcal mol(-1). alpha LP is synthe
sized as a pro-enzyme where its pro region (Pro) acts as a foldase to
stabilize the transition state for the folding reaction. Pro also func
tions as a potent folding catalyst when supplied as a separate polypep
tide chain, accelerating the rate of alpha LP folding by a factor of 3
x 10(9). In the absence of Pro, alpha LP folds only partially to a st
able molten globule-like intermediate state. Addition of Pro to this i
ntermediate leads to rapid formation of native alpha LP. Here we repor
t the crystal structures of Pro and of the non-covalent inhibitory com
plex between Pro and native alpha LP. The C-shaped Pro surrounds the C
-terminal beta-barrel domain of the folded protease, forming a large c
omplementary interface. Regions of extensive hydration in the interfac
e explain how Pro binds tightly to the native state, yet even more tig
htly to the folding transition state. Based on structural and function
al data we propose that a specific structural element in alpha LP is l
argely responsible for the folding barrier and suggest how Pro can ove
rcome this barrier.