Known risk factors for adverse perinatal outcome were related to sever
e fetal acidemia during labor and at birth. Severe fetal acidemia was
defined as a fetal scalp or umbilical artery pH > 3 SD below the mean
for normal pregnancy. pH values were available for 1,524 singleton bir
ths without congenital anomalies. Of these births, 83 (5.4%) had at le
ast one pH value > 3 SD below the reference mean. Known risk factors i
n the group with severe acidemia were compared with those in a random
sample of the remaining 94.6% births. The strongest predictor of sever
e fetal acidemia was an abnormal cardiotocogram with a Hammacher score
> 8. Risk factors shown to lower pH values significantly were combine
d in a prediction model based on multiple regression analysis. Back-va
lidation of the model showed that half of all cases of severe fetal ac
idemia could not be adequately predicted. It is concluded that such pr
ediction models do not contribute to a more effective detection of sev
ere fetal acidemia.