We present results from three-dimensional numerical simulations of hea
d-on mergers between two clusters of galaxies using a hybrid hydro/N-b
ody code. In these simulations, the gaseous intracluster medium (ICM)
is evolved as a massless fluid within a changing gravitational potenti
al defined by the collisionless dark matter component. The ICM is repr
esented by the equations of hydrodynamics which are solved by an Euler
ian, finite-difference method. The cluster dark matter component is re
presented by the N-body particle distribution. A series of simulations
have been conducted in which we have systematically varied the cluste
r-subcluster mass ratio between 8:1 and 1:1. We find that cluster-subc
luster mergers result in an elongation of both the cluster dark matter
and gas distributions. The dark matter distribution is elongated para
llel to the merger axis and accompanied by anisotropy in the dark matt
er velocity dispersion. Both the elongation and corresponding velocity
anisotropy are sustained for more than 5 Gyr after the merger. The el
ongation of the gas distribution is also generally along the merger ax
is, although shocks and adiabatic compressions produce elongations per
pendicular to the merger axis at various times during the merger. We a
lso find a significant offset between dark matter and gas centroids in
the period following core passage. The gasdynamics is also severely a
ffected by the cluster-subcluster merger. In these simulations, the su
bcluster enters the primary at supersonic speeds initiating bulk hows
that can exceed 2000 km s(-1). The width of the bulk flows are seen to
range between several hundred kiloparsecs to nearly 1 Mpc. We believe
the bulk flows can produce the bending of wide-angle tailed (WAT) rad
io sources. The most significant gasdynamics is seen to subside on tim
escales of 2 Gyr, although still significant dynamics is seen even aft
er 5 Gyr. The merger-induced gasdynamics may also play a role in the f
ormation of radio halo sources, and, consequently, the sustained natur
e of the gasdynamics may extend the lifetime of halos beyond the canon
ical synchrotron lifetime of the source. Substructure, shocks, and adi
abatic cooling during the merger can result in a very complex temperat
ure structure within the intracluster medium. As a result of these mer
gers, we find temperature inhomogeneities of several keV on linear sca
les of less than or equal to 0.5 Mpc. Finally, these simulations indic
ate that even relatively high mass-ratio mergers (e.g., 8:1) result in
nonequilibrium conditions for an extended period of time. The period
of time with the most significant dynamical evolution is within 2 Gyr
after core passage. The nonequilibrium conditions have implications fo
r cluster mass estimates. The observable consequences of cluster merge
rs and their influence on cluster mass estimates are addressed in Roet
tiger, Burns, & Loken (1996).