Alu sequences are present in humans in excess of 500 000 copies per ha
ploid genome and represent the largest family of short interspersed re
petitive elements (SINEs). These mobile genetic elements are ancestral
ly derived from the 7SL RNA gene and move throughout the genomes of pr
imates by retroposition. Polymorphic Alu insertions have proven to be
useful for population studies, paternity determinations and forensic a
pplications. Additionally, a simple polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-ba
sed assay has been established to examine these polymorphisms. In the
present study, we have applied the technique of multiplex polymerase c
hain reaction to the Alu polymorphic system. Duplex and tripler PCR re
actions were performed for the analysis of five different Alu polymorp
hic loci in different combinations. This study represents a starting p
oint for further experimentation to improve and eventually optimize Al
u multiplex PCR.