Objective. To develop a multimedia perioperative recordkeeper that pro
vides: 1. synchronous, real-time acquisition of multimedia data, 2. on
-line access to the patient's chart data, and 3. advanced data analysi
s capabilities through integrated, multimedia database and analysis ap
plications. Design, To minimize cost and development time, the system
design utilized industry standard hardware components and graphical so
ftware development tools. The system was configured to use a Pentium P
C complemented with a variety of hardware interfaces to external data
sources. These sources included physiologic monitors with data in digi
tal, analog, video, and audio as well as paper-based formats. Developm
ent. The development process was guided by trials in over 80 clinical
cases and by the critiques from numerous users. As a result of this pr
ocess, a suite of custom software applications were created to meet th
e design goals. The Perioperative Data Acquisition application manages
data collection from a variety of physiological monitors. The Charter
application provides for rapid creation of an electronic medical reco
rd from the patient's paper-based chart and investigator's notes. The
Multimedia Medical Database application provides a relational database
for the organization and management of multimedia data. The Triscreen
application provides an integrated data analysis environment with sim
ultaneous, full-motion data display Conclusion. With recent technologi
cal advances in PC power, data acquisition hardware, and software deve
lopment tools, the clinical researcher now has the ability to collect
and examine a more complete perioperative record. It is hoped that the
description of the MPR and its development process will assist and en
courage others to advance these tools for perioperative research.