The aim of the present study was to document ovarian antral follicle d
ynamics throughout seasonal anoestrus in sheep. Daily transrectal ultr
asonography was performed during four 17 day scanning periods from Mar
ch to July in Western White-faced crossbred ewes. Blood samples were c
ollected each day with ultrasonographic scanning for measurement of se
rum concentrations of FSH, oestradioI and progesterone. Blood samples
were also taken every 15 min for 6 h, mid-way through each period of u
ltrasonographic examination, to determine the patterns of secretion of
gonadotrophic hormones. Hormonal data were then related to observed c
hanges in follicular populations and the patterns of antral ovarian fo
llicle turnover. Ultrasonography showed that the ovaries of anoestrous
ewes remained active and that the largest ovarian antral follicles gr
ew to a periovulatory size (greater than or equal to 5 mm in diameter)
at all stages of anoestrus. The total number of all ovarian follicles
greater than or equal to 3 mm in diameter was lower during early anoe
strus compared with at mid-anoestrus because of a significantly smalle
r number of small (3 mm) and medium (4 mm) ovarian follicles. The larg
est ovarian follicles (attaining greater than or equal to 5 mm in diam
eter before regression) exhibited a wave-like pattern of growth; an av
erage of three waves of follicular development were recorded in sheep
during each of the four 17 day scanning periods in anoestrus, with fol
licular waves emerging approximately every 5 days. This rhythmic patte
rn of follicular emergence was found to be associated with the occurre
nce of fluctuations in serum FSH concentrations. The growth rate of th
e largest follicles of the wave increased significantly from early to
late anoestrus in sheep. In addition, ovarian follicles not growing be
yond 3 mm in diameter showed organized patterns of growth and regressi
on; their numbers tended to be lower (P = 0.09) at 3 days before and o
n the day of follicular wave emergence. Some ewes were seen to maintai
n synthesis of progesterone throughout anoestrus. This submaximal prog
esterone secretion tended to occur at irregular intervals and was not
coupled with changes in concentrations or patterns of gonadotrophin re
lease, ovulations or detectable morphological luteinization of ovarian
antral follicles. It was concluded that the growth of ovarian antral
follicles to an ovulatory size was maintained throughout anoestrus in
ewes, with a transient shift in the number of small and medium-sized f
ollicles during mid-anoestrus, and that the periodic emergence of wave
s of large follicles (25 mm in diameter) occurred in synchrony with an
endogenous rhythm of FSH secretion.