This study reports on the aggressive behavior of the gall-forming aphi
d Smynthurodes betae West. Videotaped behavior and experiments demonst
rated that first instar offspring of the fundatrix protect their galli
ng sites against conspecific competitors (the larger individuals win),
as well as against first instar competitors of the sympatric galling
aphid Forda riccobonii (Steph.). In mature galls, adult aphids also pr
otect their gall and their offspring from conspecific invaders and nat
ural enemies. The fighting behavior of the adult aphid is unique: the
aphid seizes the intruder while lying on its back, enabling use of all
six legs and the mouthparts. This is the first documentation of aggre
ssive defensive behavior by adult aphids. Although the aggressive beha
vior of the adult aphid protects the gall and offspring, no distinct p
arental care behavior was observed. The territoriality and aggression
are highly adaptive because of the limited number of galling sites. Un
der natural conditions, removal of the adult aphids from the galls res
ulted in significantly increased invasion by conspecific intruders. Th
e results indicate that the role of interspecific competition and natu
ral enemies in shaping adult behavior is rather limited. The open gall
s and the unique life-cycle of S. betae encourage and prolong intraspe
cific competition and facilitate confrontations between adults and inv
ading nymphs. The ability of the adult owner of the gall to prevent in
vasions of nymphs has promoted the evolution of maternal defense in th
is aphid. This study supports the hypothesis that galls, as high Value
resources that combine food and shelter, are often associated with de
fensive and social behavior.