Silicon carbide composites are attractive for structural applications
in fusion energy systems because of their low activation and afterheat
characteristics coupled with their excellent high-temperature propert
ies. These new materials will require optimization of their hermeticit
y, thermal conductivity, radiation stability, chemical compatibility w
ith fusion relevant environments, and joining methodology before they
can be utilized effectively in a fusion energy system. Recent advances
have been demonstrated for advanced SiC fibers and fiber/matrix inter
faces. Improved creep resistance and radiation stability have been dem
onstrated for Hi-Nicalon, Nicalon-S and DOW/Corning Sylramic fibers. A
dvanced fiber/matrix interfaces made with porous SiC and multi-layer S
iC/C/SiC are being developed to minimize the presence of C in the inte
rface for improved radiation and chemical stability of the composite m
aterials. There have also been advances in evaluating He effects in Si
C/SiC composites, the effects of Al-26 on activation of SiC and joinin
g methodology for SiC/SiC composites. These advances continue to suppo
rt the promise of these advanced composite materials for fusion energy
applications. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science S.A. All rights reserved.