The occurrence of coherent structures in multiphase flows is widesprea
d: quantitative experimental data with respect to their size, their ve
locities, and their frequency in both bubble columns and fluidized bed
s are presented; these data have been collected by such different tech
niques as Laser-Doppler Velocimetry, Partice Image Velocimetry, Optica
l Bubble Probes, and Gamma-Ray Densitometry. In addition, results are
discussed from Computational Fluid Dynamics simulations as to particle
swarms in the freeboard beyond bubbling fluidized beds. The question
is raised whether there is a common explanation for the appearance of
coherent structures in such different systems. The similarity of multi
phase flows and natural convection phenomena is discussed, while some
features of turbulent multiphase flows resemble those in shear-induced
turbulence in single-phase flows. Phase locking, on the basis of inte
rplaying time scales, and an analogy with the vortices in a Karman vor
tex street are suggested as possible mechanisms behind the occurrence
of coherent structures. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science S.A. AU rights reser