Ceramic breeding blankets are the main options for DEMO reactor design
s in JAERI, and large efforts have been made in the area of related ma
terials development, engineering-scaled R&D, as well as design develop
ment. A long-term R&D program was launched in 1996 to provide an engin
eering database and fabrication technologies for the DEMO blanket and
its performances by means of in-pile and out-of-pile mock-up tests, ai
ming at module tests in ITER as a near-term target. A variety of funda
mental researches have also been carried out, mainly in universities,
to support the above project-oriented R&D, laying emphasis on tritium-
release characteristics from the ceramic breeding materials. The prese
nt paper overviews the current status of the ceramic breeding DEMO bla
nket design and related R&D in Japan, and outlines the long-term devel
opment program. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science S.A. All rights reserved.