1. The predominant Cl- channel in bovine tracheal epithelial cells has
a conductance of similar to 71 pS and accounts for more than 80 % of
the total chloride conductance. We examined the effects of protein-mod
ifying reagents on channel function and found that amino groups are cr
itically involved in gating. 2. Patch clamp studies showed that lysine
-specific reagents, such as dimethyl adipimidate (DMA), significantly
increased the channel open probability, but not its conductance. This
suggests that modified residues are involved in the gating mechanism,
but are distant from the channel permeation pathway. 3. Kinetic analys
is of channel activity showed that histograms of open and closed durat
ions could be well fitted by double exponential distributions, suggest
ing that the channel has at least two open and two closed states. DMA
did not change the number of open or closed states, but increased chan
nel mean open time. 4. Since membrane impermeant reagents were effecti
ve only from the extracellular side, we conclude that lysine residues
in the extracellular domain of the channel are critically involved in
gating. These residues may present an important target for site-direct
ed mutagenesis and pharmacological activation of Cl- channels in epith
elial cells.