The Human Genome Project, the mapping of our 100000 genes and the sequ
encing of all of our DNA, will have major impact on biomedical resarch
and the therapeutic and preventive health care. The tracing of geneti
c diseases to their molecular causes is rapidly expanding diagostic an
d preventive options, while the increased insights into molecular path
ways open tremendous perspectives for pharmacological and genetic ther
apies. The design of animal model systems for the functional study of
disease and development of bioinformatics and biostatistics to improve
our pattern recognition abilities are greatly accelerating progress.
However, the optimal value from the current explosion of 'data mining'
possibilities will only be gained when the basic data are made and ke
pt publicly accessible, at the same time preventing the jeopardisation
of the protection of intellectual property, arising from downstream i
nventions. This is one of the goals of HUGO, the international Human G
enome Organisation, established 9 years ago to assist coordinating dat
a acquisition and exchange and societal implementation of the genome p
roject. Additional points of major importance in this historic endeavo
ur are the safeguarding of a worldwide balance in the contribution and
benefits to countries and population, the prevention of stigmatisatio
n and discrimination of individuals and groups and the maintenance of
respect for the priceless diversity of our world's cultures and tradit