PROBLEM. Resolution of alcohol problems without formal treatment or pa
rticipation in self-help groups. METHODS. Qualitative study using grou
nded theory (N = 11). FINDINGS. The onset of alcohol problems begins w
ith negligible penalties. Over time, the cost-benefit ratio of drinkin
g habits continues to rise and the risks become too great. Individuals
find it necessary to change their drinking patterns by reinvesting in
themselves. Assets such as the ongoing availability of information, l
ife-management skills, and self-confidence promote the change process;
cultural mores and behaviors of some healthcare providers serve as li
abilities. the dividends of self-resolving alcohol problems include se
lf-pride, mental and physical health, conscientious work performance,
rewarding relationships, enhancement of creative talents, and spiritua
l well-being. CONCLUSIONS. Nurses can play an important role in promot
ing self-resolution of alcohol problems by providing accurate informat
ion and encouraging clients to reinvest in long-standing priorities an
d values.