Purpose. Limbal dermoids usually involve corneal stroma and more rarel
y might extend into the anterior chamber. Depending on the size and am
ount of penetration of the lesion, different therapeutic approaches ar
e indicated. Depth information is difficult to obtain by slit-lamp exa
mination because the structure is opaque. We investigated the use of u
ltrasound biomicroscopic (UBM) examination for surgical planning in li
mbal dermoids. Methods. The UBM (Zeiss Humphrey) with its 50-MHz probe
was used for preoperative evaluation of the depth of penetration in t
wo cases of infantile limbal dermoid. Histology specimens of the lesio
n corresponding to the UBM images were obtained. Results. UBM was able
to distinguish normal cornea from the more sonolucent lesion. Presenc
e or absence of Descemet's membrane could be identified. Depth of invo
lvement of limbal dermoids could be assessed. Conclusion. UBM is able
to assess depth involvement of opaque corneal lesions such as limbal d
ermoids. Because planning of the surgical approach in these cases is f
acilitated by preoperative knowledge about the depth of penetration of
these opaque lesions, UBM can be regarded as a helpful tool in the cl
inical management.