Recent experiments on the Fermi surface and electronic structure of th
e cuprate-superconductors showed the importance of short-range antifer
romagnetic correlations for the physics in these systems. Theoreticall
y, features like shadow bands were predicted and calculated mainly for
the Hubbard model. In our approach we calculate an approximate self-e
nergy of the t-J model. Solving the U = infinity Hubbard model in the
dynamical mean field theory (DMFT) yields a self-energy that contains
most of the local correlations as a starting point. Effects of the nea
rest-neighbor spin interaction J are then included in a heuristical ma
nner. Formally like in J-perturbation theory all ring diagrams, with t
he single bubble assumed to be purely local, are summed to get a corre
ction to the DMFT-self-energy. This procedure causes new bands and can
furnish strong deformation of quasi-particle bands.