Irrigation scheduling based on soil water balance is a simple procedur
e that can be operated either manually or using computer programs. Ado
ption of the procedure is still low due to lack of soil water paramete
rs and availability of climatic information. Furthermore, potential us
ers are deterred by both the time and paper work required to carry out
the calculations. In this study a visual device in the form of a plas
tic container was designed and tested to schedule sugarcane (Saccharum
spp.) irrigation. The calibrated plastic bucket was field tested and
proved to be an effective way to program sugarcane irrigation. It work
s simultaneously as a pluviometer and as an evaporimeter and, once it
is marked, there is no need for human intervention beyond checking the
position of the water level in relation to the irrigation control mar
ks. It could be used with ether crops and is useful for regions where
meteorological data is scarce or difficult to obtain. (C) 1998 Elsevie
r Science B.V. All rights reserved.