This paper presents some new product identities for certain summations
of Schur functions. These identities are generalizations of some famo
us identities known to Littlewood and appearing in Macdonald's book. W
e refer to these identities as the ''Littlewood-type formulas.'' In ad
dition, analogues for summations of characters of the other classical
groups are also given. The Littlewood-type formulas in this paper are
separated into two classes, the rational Schur function series and the
generalized Schur function series. An application of a rational Schur
function series to the infinite product representation of the ellipti
c theta functions is also given. We prove these Littlewood-type formul
as using the Cauchy-Binet formula. The Cauchy-Binet formula is a basic
but powerful tool applicable in the present context, which can be der
ived from our Pfaffian formula, as we explain. (C) 1998 Academic Press