The folding of a 98 residue protein, muscle acylphosphatase (AcP), has
been studied using a variety of techniques including circular dichroi
sm, fluorescence and NMR spectroscopy following transfer of chemically
denatured protein into :refolding conditions. A low-amplitude phase,
detected in concurrence with the main kinetic phase, corresponds to th
e folding of a minor population (13%) of molecules with one or both pr
oline residues in a cis conformation, as shown from the sensitivity of
its rate to peptidyl prolyl isomerase. The major phase of folding has
the same kinetic characteristics regardless of the technique employed
to monitor it. The plots of the natural logarithms of folding and unf
olding rate constants versus urea concentration are linear over a broa
d range of urea concentrations. Moreover, the initial state formed rap
idly after the initiation of refolding is highly unstructured, having
a similar circular dichroism, intrinsic fluorescence and NMR spectrum
as the protein denatured at high concentrations of urea. All these res
ults indicate that AcP folds in a two-state manner without the accumul
ation of intermediates. Despite this, the folding of the protein is ex
tremely slow. The rate constant of the major phase of folding in water
, k(f)(H2O), is 0.23 s(-1) at 28 degrees C and, at urea concentrations
above 1 M, the folding process is slower than the cis-trans proline i
somerisation step. The slow refolding of this protein is therefore not
the consequence of populated intermediates that can act as kinetic tr
aps, but arises from a large intrinsic barrier in the folding reaction
. (C) 1998 Academic Press.