We have studied the properties of the plasma sheet in the distant magn
etotail during a 12-h interval when the GEOTAIL satellite stayed rathe
r continually in the plasma sheet. When magnetic reconnection was oper
ative at the distant neutral line the tailward flow speed in the dista
nt plasma sheet is given by the sum of the Alfven speed and the tailwa
rd flow speed in the tail lobe. Appreciable twist of the tail should b
e incorporated in order to properly estimate the magnetic flux that tr
averses the distant neutral sheet to the south. The magnetic field bey
ond the distant neutral line is characterized by active and persistent
oscillations whose power spectrum has a kink around 0.01 Hz. These os
cillations roughly satisfy the Walen relation and could be due to inci
dence of the interplanetary Alfven waves along the IMF-type field line
s that fill the plasma sheet beyond the distant neutral line.