Research has documented the enhancement effects of gang involvement fo
r criminal offending but little attention has been given to victimizat
ion. This article examines how gang involvement shapes young women's r
isks of victimization. Based on interviews with active gang members, t
he author suggests that (I) gang participation exposes youths to victi
mization risk and (2) it does so in gendered ways. Young women can use
gender to decrease their risk of being harmed by rival gangs or other
street participants by not participating in ''masculine'' activities
such as fighting and committing crime. However; the consequence is tha
t they are viewed as lesser members of their gangs and may be exposed
to greater risk of victimization within their gangs. The author sugges
ts that more research is needed to examine whether and how gang involv
ement enhances youths' exposure to victimization risk and that researc
hers should maintain a recognition of the role of gender in shaping th
ese processes.