Purpose: We evaluate the response to intraurethral alprostadil adminis
tration using the Medicated Urethral System for Erection (MUSE) in un
select men with a history of erectile dysfunction. We determine the ef
fects on blood pressure during in office monitoring and assess safety
of this form of treatment. We compare the efficacy of MUSE in an offic
e setting with the placebo controlled pivotal study. Materials and Met
hods: A total of 115 men with erectile dysfunction underwent in office
testing with MUSE following the algorithm recommended by the manufact
urer and outlined in the original pivotal study. Patients were asked t
o rate the rigidity of erection from 1 to 5 with scores 4 and 5 for er
ections sufficient for intercourse, and level of discomfort from 1 (ve
ry uncomfortable) to 5 (very comfortable) at 15-minute intervals. Pati
ents who did not achieve a sufficient erection were scheduled to retur
n for in office testing using the next higher dose up to 1,000 mu g. P
atient supine and sitting blood pressures were recorded by a nurse bef
ore and every 15 minutes after administration. Telephone contact with
patients 2 to 3 months after the last in office testing was made to de
termine whether they were using the system. Results: Mean plus or minu
s standard deviation rigidity scores independent of dosage increased f
rom 2.34 +/- 0.99 at 15 minutes to 2.49 +/- 0.96 at 30 minutes and dec
reased thereafter. Although the 1,000 mu g. dosage resulted in highest
mean score at all times, the differences between dosages were not sig
nificant. Rigidity score 4 or 5 was achieved in 13.2% (500 mu g.) and
30% (1,000 mu g.) of patients at 30 minutes. Mean level of discomfort
was 3.6 +/- 1.2 at 15 minutes and improved thereafter. Comfort levels
were not significantly different among dosages. Overall, at 15 minutes
16.8% of patients were uncomfortable (score 1 or 2) and 41.3% were so
mewhat uncomfortable (1, 2 or 3). For all dosages supine and sitting s
ystolic and diastolic blood pressures decreased significantly from bef
ore treatment to 15 minutes and stayed lower during monitoring. Define
d by strict criteria 41.2% of patients experienced orthostatic hypoten
sion during in office testing. A total of 21 patients had adverse even
ts, including pain, discomfort and burning in the penis (the most comm
on), dizziness and chest pain. One patient had a syncopal episode and
fell in the office. At last followup only 18.6% of the tested patients
continued to use MUSE at home, while the remainder discontinued treat
ment due to pain, insufficient erections for intercourse and cost. Con
clusions: We were unable to achieve similar results to the pivotal stu
dy following manufacturer instructions and the algorithm provided by t
hat study. Independent of age and etiology no more than 30% of patient
s at any given time using any dose achieved erections sufficient for i
ntercourse during in office testing. Because of this limited efficacy,
discomfort, pain and burning associated with treatment, and cost, mor
e than 80% of patients did not continue to use MUSE at home.