Extension for prevention has been an integral part of dentistry for ov
er 100 years. Because this concept advocated the removal of sound toot
h structure, it was not totally accepted at the turn of the century. T
he advent of the gold casting catapulted extension for prevention into
general acceptance. In 1883, Webb presented a concept of ''prevention
of extension of decay''. This concept advocated a proximal cavity pre
paration extending toward the buccal and lingual aspects of the tooth
so that contact with adjacent teeth would not be at the margins. The s
eparation of the margins, along with proper restoration contours, was
thought to promote natural cleansing of the embrasures with saliva and
fluids in the diet. GV Black's 1891 idea of ''extension for preventio
n'' was to provide extension of the preparation to the facial and ling
ual line angles in order to bring about ''self-cleansing'' margins via
food excursion. Black's concept also included extending preparations
through fissures to allow cavosurface margins to be on non-fissured en
amel. Black integrated the extension of the proximal margins with his
concept of an occlusal isthmus for a Class II amalgam preparation one-
third the faciolingual width of the occlusal surface. Challenges to th
is concept of extension for prevention were immediate, and, by the 195
0's, narrower, more conservative preparations were seen by a few as be
ing more effective in preserving teeth. Not only occlusal width was re
assessed, but the need to routinely extend proximal margins to the buc
cal and lingual line angles was also questioned. By the mid-1960's and
early 1970's a more conservative approach to amalgam preparation was
advocated and was being taught in some dental schools. Today, a standa
rdized outline form should not be used or taught as a principle of cav
ity preparation. In areas where fissure caries has necessitated a prep
aration extending into dentin, a composite resin or dental amalgam res
toration should be placed, and a fissure sealant should be used to pro
tect remaining susceptible fissures from carious attack. This current
form of the concept of extension for prevention, which is supported by
clinical research, preserves sound tooth structure that, using outdat
ed concepts, would have been cut away. Placing proximal margins in sou
nd tooth structure that just clears an adjacent tooth is also strongly
advocated. Sound enamel margins in certain areas may occasionally be
left in contact with adjacent teeth for amalgam preparations. For Clas
s II preparations for composite resin, facial or lingual proximal beve
ls will usually suffice to separate the margins from the adjacent toot
h to allow finishing and polishing at the margins. Preventing unnecess
ary extension and allowing sounder tooth structure to remain is one im
portant aspect of helping patients to maintain their teeth for their l