A coupled field-scale aquifer pumping and water infiltration test was
conducted at the Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laborato
ry in order to evaluate subsurface water and contaminant transport pro
cesses in a heterogeneous flow system. The test included an aquifer pu
mping test to determine the storage properties of the aquifer and the
state of confinement of the aquifer (similar to 190 m below land surfa
ce), and a vadose zone infiltration test to determine vertical moistur
e and radioactive tracer migration rates, Pump test results indicated
that the Snake River Plain Aquifer was locally unconfined with a trans
missivity ranging from 5.57 X 10(5) to 9.29 X 10(4) m(2)/day. Moisture
monitoring with neutron probes indicated that infiltrating water was
initially transported vertically through the upper basalt layer of the
vadose zone, primarily through fractures and rubble zones, at an aver
age rate of 5 m/day (based on vertical distance traveled and first arr
ival of water at the monitoring points), Analysis of breakthrough curv
es for a conservative tracer allowed estimation of the arrival of the
peak concentration and yielded an average velocity of 1 m/day, The mig
ration velocities from the neutron probe and tracer tests are in good
agreement given the scale of the test and difference in analysis techn
iques. None of the data sets showed a correlation between migration ve
locity (arrival time) and distance from the point source, but they str
ongly indicate preferential flow through discrete fractures. Upon reac
hing the first continuous sedimentary interbed layer in the basalt for
mation, water flow was diverted laterally along the interbed surface w
here it spread outward in primarily three areas corresponding to topog
raphic lows on the interbed surface, and slowly infiltrated into the i
nterbed, The nonpredictable movement of water and tracer through speci
fic fractures underlying the site suggests that a priori prediction of
transmissive fractures in this media is not possible. Results do sugg
est that the continuous sedimentary interbed layers, in general, imped
e vertical water flow and contaminant migration.