Background. The goal of this study was to evaluate cause and outcome o
f biliary complications occurring after pediatric living related liver
transplantation (LRLT). Methods. A database of 205 pediatric patients
(71 male and 134 female) undergoing 208 LRLT from June 1990 to April
1996 was reviewed. Results. The overall incidence of bile duct complic
ations was 13.9% (29 patients). There were 19 bile leaks, 7 anastomoti
c strictures, 8 intrahepatic biliary complications, and the bile duct
was ligated inadvertently in 2 cases. Logistic regression analysis rev
ealed hepatic artery thrombosis, ABO incompatible transplantation, int
rapulmonary shunting in recipients, mode of artery reconstruction, and
cytomegalovirus infection were ail significant risk factors for bilia
ry complications. Conclusions. Avoidance of ABO incompatible transplan
tation where possible, routine use of microvascular techniques for hep
atic artery reconstruction to minimize the risk of artery thrombosis,
earlier transplantation for patients with intrapulmonary shunt, and pr
ophylaxis against cytomegalovirus infection should all reduce the rate
of biliary complications after LRLT in pediatric recipients.