Recent advances in technology have encouraged proposals for new approa
ches to ATC in Europe and elsewhere. Two such proposals, both rather l
oosely framed, are for 'free flight' or for 'seamless contracts'; othe
rwise 'tubes of flight'. These concepts, and variations on them, aim t
o increase the traffic capacity of the airspace. They have been the su
bject of numerous published papers. Given the declared objects of thes
e systems, it is surprising that, nearly without exception, these pape
rs discuss the proposals only in qualitative terms. The present paper
discusses idealised versions of these systems on the basis of quantita
tive studies. It is concluded that the 'seamless contract' is very pro
bably unworkable in Europe. 'free flight' is workable in principle, bu
t there is a need for investigation of possible mechanisms by which la
st-minute problems may be resolved.