Objective: The study hypothesis was that irrigation with tap water is
as efficacious as irrigation with sterile saline in removing bacteria
from simple lacerations in preparation for wound closure. Methods: The
study was conducted in a laboratory rat model previously described in
the literature for evaluating wound irrigation techniques. The study
used a randomized, blinded crossover design using 10 animals. Two full
-thickness skin lacerations were made on each animal and each wound wa
s inoculated with standardized concentrations of a Staphylococcus aure
us broth. Wounds were irrigated for 4 minutes with normal saline from
a syringe or 4 minutes with tap water from a faucet. Tissue specimens
were sampled from each laceration prior to and following irrigation. B
acterial counts per gram of tissue were determined for each specimen a
nd compared pre- and postirrigation. Results: Preirrigation bacterial
counts were not significantly different for saline vs tap water specim
ens. The wounds irrigated with saline had a mean reduction in bacteria
l count of 54.7% (SD = +/-28%), while the wounds irrigated with tap wa
ter had a mean reduction in bacterial count of 80.6% (SD +/-20) (p < 0
.05, 2-tailed, paired t-test). Conclusions: In this animal model, bact
erial decontamination of simple lacerations was not compromised, and w
as actually improved using tap water irrigation. This is most likely d
ue to the mechanical differences in the types of irrigation. In certai
n instances, such as with upper-extremity lacerations, tap water irrig
ation would likely be cheaper and less labor-intensive than irrigation
with normal saline from a syringe.