Diagnosing comorbid psychiatric disorders in methadone maintained pati
ents may help to identify subgroups with different outcomes and needs
for treatment. In this study, 75 methadone maintenance clinic patients
in treatment longer than 30 days were assessed with the Addiction Sev
erity Index, Global Assessment Scale and Mini-Mental Status Exam, and
were interviewed for DSM-III-R psychiatric diagnosis using the compute
rized Diagnostic Interview Schedule. Psychiatric diagnoses were preval
ent in the sample with depression, phobic disorders, antisocial person
ality and generalized anxiety the most common. Both number of DSM-III-
R diagnoses and severity of psychopathology were correlated with outco
me measures such as concurrent drug abuse, family-social problems and
employment status. Overall, the results indicate that comorbid psychop
athology is a significant variable in methadone maintenance patients.
Clinicians working with this group should attend to these patients' ne
eds for treatment of comorbid disorders.