Structures used at elevated temperature subject to severe cyclic therm
al stress. Therefore, accurate prediction procedures for thermal fatig
ue crack growth should be applied to rationalise component flaw assess
ment. Fatigue crack propagation tests under thermal stress were carrie
d out using an modified type 316 stainless steel (316FR), which is a c
andidate material for the fast reactor in Japan. Thermal stress of the
tests was generated by cyclically changed temperature distribution th
rough thickness in a plate by induction heating and air-cooling Numeri
cal analysis was also carried out to examine the applicability of the
J integral under cyclic thermal stress. The J integral under elasto-pl
astic condition under thermal stress is close to the elastically calcu
lated J integral. Prediction by J integral tends to be conservative fo
r deeper cracks, and modification of the J integral value using crack
opening ratio gives good agreement with the experimental crack growth.