Design considerations in PSUITE, an integrated program development env
ironment for the SX-4 series of supercomputers, are presented. In orde
r to allow the machine's CPUs to concentrate on floating point calcula
tions, an automatic remote execution feature has been incorporated. To
assist in the tuning of vectorized and parallelized programs with hig
h-level optimizations, a feature to present the programmer with an ins
ight into the vectorization, parallelization and optimization characte
ristics of the program was included. In order to analyze multitasking
and large-scale applications, the functionality of the profiling comma
nd, prof, was extended. The debugger was equipped with a graphical arr
ay-data visualizer for algorithmic debugging of a large-scale simulati
on. The graphical user interface of the environment features the use o
f iconic buttons and 2D/3D graphical performance displays.