Po. Plaut et Se. Plaut, ENDOGENOUS IDENTIFICATION OF MULTIPLE HOUSING PRICE CENTERS IN METROPOLITAN-AREAS, Journal of housing economics, 7(3), 1998, pp. 193-217
The monocenter model of urban metropolitan areas has come under increa
sing criticism in recent years. Many urban areas are in fact multicent
ered. This paper describes a methodology for identifying and ranking t
he multiple ''centers'' of a metropolitan area by inferring them from
real estate price data. The method generalizes from previous methodolo
gies developed to identify the urban center from density distributions
and gravity models. It involves applying maximum likelihood methods t
o infer the location of each center, testing the relative importance o
f each, and testing for the significance of the addition of each incre
mental center. It allows the joint identification of the locations of
metropolitan centers as well as their (local) price gradients (or elas
ticity of price with distance from the centers). It is readily applica
ble to GIS tools and data. In addition, there are a number of interest
ing issues that may be addressed by assuming that the nuclei of the ci
ty are ''unknown'' and must be inferred from the data. It is possible,
theoretically, for the pinnacles of commercial and residential land p
rice functions to be located in different places. It is possible to de
scribe land pricing functions through identifying a series of ''center
s'' in metropolitan areas that have irregular topography, or where pri
ces follow the contours of transportation arteries. It is possible to
identify ''inverse centers'' that act as troughs-rather than pinnacles
-of land gradient functions. It is possible for the center or centers
to be located in areas outside the traditional central business distri
ct, to move over time, and even for pinnacles to lie outside the urban
area itself. The methodology is then applied to real estate transacti
on prices for Haifa Israel. (C) 1998 Academic Press.