To assess risks of cancer mortality among workers exposed to paints, p
ublished papers referring to painters and mortality with standardized
mortality ratios (SMR) were meta-analyzed in fixed and random effect m
odels. The SMR for all sites of cancer was significantly raised (111.4
; 95% CI: 105.8-117.4). The highest risks of cancer death were from le
ukemia (187; 95% CI: 114.5-306.7) and from liver cancer (143.6; 95% CI
: 117.6-175.4). The SMRs for esophagus and stomach cancer were 132.7 (
95% CI: 112.1-157.2) and 120.3 (95% CI: 111.3-130.0); respectively. Th
e risks of bladder cancer (130.4; 95% CI: 113.8-149.5) and lung cancer
(129.1; 95% CI: 119.2-139.8) were also raised. The findings provide e
vidence of an association between work as a painter and risk of cancer
, although the confounding effects of smoking and alcohol cannot be en
tirely excluded, especially with respect to liver cancer since deaths
from cirrhosis were also increased. The excess deaths from leukemia co
uld have been from exposure to benzene mixed with other organic solven
ts, while that from lung cancer may be from exposure to particles cont
aining lead chromate and to asbestos in the paint trade. The high risk
s of cirrhosis and liver cancer need to be examined further as to poss
ible interactions between organic solvents and alcohol.