Community detection in sparse random networks

Verzelen, Nicolas et Arias-castro, Ery, Community detection in sparse random networks, Annals of applied probability , 25(6), 2015, pp. 3465-3510
ISSN journal
Year of publication
3465 - 3510
SICI code
We consider the problem of detecting a tight community in a sparse random network. This is formalized as testing for the existence of a dense random subgraph in a random graph. Under the null hypothesis, the graph is a realization of an Erd.s.Rényi graph on N vertices and with connection probability p0; under the alternative, there is an unknown subgraph on n vertices where the connection probability is p1>p0. In Arias-Castro and Verzelen [Ann. Statist. 42 (2014) 940.969], we focused on the asymptotically dense regime where p0 is large enough that np0>(n/N)o(1). We consider here the asymptotically sparse regime where p0 is small enough that np0<(n/N)c0 for some c0>0. As before, we derive information theoretic lower bounds, and also establish the performance of various tests. Compared to our previous work [Ann. Statist. 42 (2014) 940.969], the arguments for the lower bounds are based on the same technology, but are substantially more technical in the details; also, the methods we study are different: besides a variant of the scan statistic, we study other tests statistics such as the size of the largest connected component, the number of triangles, and the number of subtrees of a given size. Our detection bounds are sharp, except in the Poisson regime where we were not able to fully characterize the constant arising in the bound.