Pinning of polymers and interfaces by random potentials

S. Alexander, Kenneth et Sidoravicius, Vladas, Pinning of polymers and interfaces by random potentials, Annals of applied probability , 16(2), 2006, pp. 636-669
ISSN journal
Year of publication
636 - 669
SICI code
We consider a polymer, with monomer locations modeled by the trajectory of a Markov chain, in the presence of a potential that interacts with the polymer when it visits a particular site 0. Disorder is introduced by, for example, having the interaction vary from one monomer to another, as a constant u plus i.i.d. mean-0 randomness. There is a critical value of u above which the polymer is pinned, placing a positive fraction of its monomers at 0 with high probability. This critical point may differ for the quenched, annealed and deterministic cases. We show that self-averaging occurs, meaning that the quenched free energy and critical point are nonrandom, off a null set. We evaluate the critical point for a deterministic interaction (u without added randomness) and establish our main result that the critical point in the quenched case is strictly smaller. We show that, for every fixed u.., pinning occurs at sufficiently low temperatures. If the excursion length distribution has polynomial tails and the interaction does not have a finite exponential moment, then pinning occurs for all u.. at arbitrary temperature. Our results apply to other mathematically similar situations as well, such as a directed polymer that interacts with a random potential located in a one-dimensional defect, or an interface in two dimensions interacting with a random potential along a wall.