Despite increasing temperatures since the end of the Little Ice Age (c
a. 1850), wildfire frequency has decreased as shown in many field stud
ies from North America and Europe. We believe that global warming sinc
e 1850 may have triggered decreases in fire frequency in some regions
and future warming may even lead to further decreases in fire frequenc
y. Simulations of present and future fire regimes, using daily outputs
from the General Circulation Model (GCM), were in good agreement with
recent trends observed in fire history studies. Daily data, rather th
an monthly data, were used because the weather and, consequently, fire
behavior can change dramatically over time periods much shorter than
a month. The simulation and fire history results suggest that the impa
ct of global warming on northern forests through forest fires may not
be disastrous and that, contrary to the expectation of an overall incr
ease in forest fires, there may be large regions of the Northern Hemis
phere with a reduced fire frequency.