M. Dusabenyagasani et al., SEQUENCE-TAGGED SITES (STS) FOR STUDIES OF MOLECULAR EPIDEMIOLOGY OF SCLERODERRIS CANKER OF CONIFERS, Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 97(5-6), 1998, pp. 789-796
Scleroderris canker is a very damaging disease of conifers caused by a
fungal pathogen, Gremmeniella abietina var 'abietina'. This fungal pa
thogen is now known to comprise a number of distinct races and biotype
s. In North America, two races, an indigenous North American race and
an introduced European race, are present. In Europe, three distinct bi
otypes have been reported within the European race: one in the Alps, a
nother in Fennoscandia, and a third that overlaps with the first two.
We used random amplified microsatellites (RAMS) and DNA sequencing wit
h arbitrary primer pairs (SWAPP) to design five PCR primer pairs flank
ing polymorphic regions of the genome of the European race of G. abiet
ina. Length polymorphisms produced by repeats of basic units in micros
atellites were distinguished by electrophoresis of PCR products in aga
rose gels, and point mutations were identified by low-ionic-strength s
ingle-strand conformation polymorphisms (LIS-SSCP). Some primers gener
ated private alleles in the European biotype and the psychrophilic Alp
ine and Fennoscandian biotypes, i.e., alleles that were fixed within t
he two groups but polymorphic between them. Conversely, one pair of pr
imers amplified at least 3, 4, and 7 alleles in the Fennoscandian, Alp
ine, and European biotypes, respectively. The Alpine and Fennoscandian
biotypes, although geographically separated, were genetically more cl
osely related to one another than to European biotype, which has an ov
erlapping distribution. However, both Alpine and Fennoscandian biotype
s have similar ecotypic adaptation. The evolution of these biotypes co
uld be explained by their geographic separation following the end of t
he last glaciation.