On the Stationary Distribution of the Neutral Diffusion Model in Population Genetics

N. Ethier, S. et G. Kurtz, Thomas, On the Stationary Distribution of the Neutral Diffusion Model in Population Genetics, Annals of applied probability , 2(1), 1992, pp. 24-35
ISSN journal
Year of publication
24 - 35
SICI code
Let S be a compact metric space, let .>0, and let P(x,dy) be a one-step Feller transition function on S.B(S) corresponding to a weakly ergodic Markov chain in S with unique stationary distribution .0. The neutral diffusion model, or Fleming-Viot process, with type space S, mutation intensity 12. and mutation transition function P(x,dy), assumes values in P(S), the set of Borel probability measures on S with the topology of weak convergence, and is known to be weakly ergodic and have a unique stationary distribution ..P(P(S)). Define the Markov chain {X(.),..Z+} in S2.S3.. as follows. Let X(0)=(.,.).S2, where . is an S-valued random variable with distribution .0. From state (x1,.,xn).Sn, where n.2, one of two types of transitions occurs. With probability ./(n(n.1+.)) a transition to state (x1,.,xi.1,.i,xi+1,.,xn).Sn occurs (1.i.n), where .i is distributed according to P(xi,dy). With probability (n.1)/((n+1)n(n.1+.)) a transition to state (x1,.,xj.1,xi,xj,.,xn).Sn+1 occurs (1.i.n,1.j.n+1). Letting .n denote the hitting time of Sn, we show that the empirical measure determined by the n coordinates of X(.n+1.1) converges almost surely as n.. to a P(S)-valued random variable with distribution ..