We examined hypothetical relationships between blood parasite infectio
n in Purple Martins Progne subis and extra-pair paternity of males, fe
eding performance of parents of both sexes, and mate-guarding intensit
y of males. We found no evidence that infection with either of two par
asites, Haemoproteus prognei and an unspecified microfilariad, affecte
d extra-pair paternity. Infected males were no more likely than uninfe
cted males to be cuckolded, and infection did not preclude extrapair f
ertilization success. Infection also was unrelated to provisioning rat
es by adult males and females and to mate-guarding intensity by males.
However, subadult females provisioned significantly less when infecte
d with Haemoproteus, suggesting that young females have a lower resist
ance to parasites than adult females, or males.