Aim: Papillary thyroid carcinoma (PTC) is the most common malignant tu
mour of the thyroid gland. The immunohistochemical profile of PTC is c
haracterized by immunoreactivity of tumour cells for cytokeratins, thy
roglobulin, vimentin, EMA and S100 protein. Recently, the presence of
a serum protease inhibitor, alpha-1-antitrypsin (AlAT), has been demon
strated in tumour cells of PTC. The aim of our study was to test immun
oreactivity of PTC for another inhibitor of proteases, alpha-1-antichy
motrypsin (AlACT). Methods and results: Serial paraffin sections of ni
ne consecutive cases of PTC were tested with anti-AlAT and anti-AlACT
antibodies. No immunoreactivity for AlAT and AlACT was found in the no
rmal thyroid tissue surrounding each tumour. In seven out of nine case
s, tumour cells of PTC showed cytoplasmic immunoreactivity for AlACT.
In two cases, AlACT was detected even in the nuclei. Immunoreactivity
for AlAT was found only in three cases. Two cases of PTC showed no sta
ining for both AlACT and AlAT. No significant correlation of AlACT sta
ining was found with various prognostic indices (age of patients, hist
ological pattern, tumour size, presence of regional lymph node metasta
ses). The two cases showing a lack of staining for both AlACT and AlAT
showed a more aggressive clinical behaviour. Conclusions: Our prelimi
nary study shows that AlACT is expressed by tumour cells in a large pr
oportion of papillary carcinomas of the thyroid gland. Its significanc
e remains, to the best of our knowledge, still unknown. The observatio
n of a more aggressive behaviour in the two cases characterized by the
absence of immunoreactivity for both AlACT and AlAT suggests that the
presence or absence of protease inhibitors could play a role in contr
olling tumour progression in PTC.