To assess the recruiting effectiveness of the Department of Defense's
Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) Career Exploration
Program, a variety of sources, including historical databases, surveys
, and interviews, were used. Despite downsizing and reductions in recr
uiting resources over the course of the evaluation period, there is ev
idence that a higher percentage of program participants subsequently e
nlist than the U.S. youth population as a whole. The overwhelming majo
rity of a sample of recruiters rated the program as an important lead
source as well as an effective recruiting tool. Data indicate that 16%
to 25% of annual enlistments started as ASVAB program leads. The prog
ram influences young people's consideration of the military as a caree
r and creates a positive impression of the military, regardless of whe
ther a participant decides to enlist. Although there is evidence that
the ASVAB program enhances recruiting, obstacles to its effectiveness
include recruiter training deficiencies.