An atmospheric general circulation model is coupled to an atmospheric
chemistry model to calculate the radiative forcing by anthropogenic su
lfate and carbonaceous aerosols. The latter aerosols result from bioma
ss burning as well as fossil fuel burning. The black carbon associated
with carbonaceous aerosols is absorbant and can decrease the amount o
f reflected radiation at the top-of-the-atmosphere. In contrast, sulfa
te aerosols are reflectant and the amount of reflected radiation depen
ds nonlinearly on the relative humidity. We examine the importance of
treating the range of optical properties associated with sulfate aeros
ol at high relative humidities and find that the direct forcing by ant
hropogenic sulfate aerosols can decrease from -0.81 W m(-2) to -0.55 W
m(-2) if grid box average relative humidity is not allowed to increas
e above 90%. The climate forcing associated with fossil fuel emissions
of carbonaceous aerosols is calculated to range from + 0.16 to + 0.20
W m(-2), depending on how much organic carbon is associated with the
black carbon from fossil fuel burning. The direct forcing of carbonace
ous aerosols associated with biomass burning is calculated to range fr
om -0.23 to -0.16 W m(-2). The pattern of forcing by carbonaceous aero
sols depends on both the surface albedo and the presence of clouds. Mu
ltiple scattering associated with clouds and high surface albedos can
change the forcing from negative to positive.