The mechanisms that regulate the selective infiltration of eosinophils
in certain allergic diseases are still poorly understood. The CC chem
okine eotaxin is a potent chemoattractant. highly specific for eosinop
hils. Recent studies have implicated that eotaxin plays an important r
ole in the recruitment of eosinophils in different inflammation proces
ses. A number of other chemokines. cytokines, and chemoattractants als
o have chemotactic activities for eosinophils and some of them present
high selectivity for eosinophils. To further study the role of eotaxi
n in inflammation, we generated mutant mice with the eotaxin gene disr
upted and replaced by the Escherichia coil beta-galactosidase gene. Th
ese: mice developed normally and had no histologic or hematopoietic ab
normalities. Furthermore, our studies showed that the lack of eotaxin
did not affect the recruitment of eosinophils in the inflammation mode
ls induced by Sephadex beads and thioglycollate, as well as in an expe
rimental lung eosinophilia model induced by ovalbumin aerosol challeng
e, even at the onset of the inflammatory response. The replacement of
the eotaxin gene by the beta-galactosidase gene provided a useful mark
er to monitor the activity of the eotaxin promoter under normal condit
ions and after antigen challenges. Immunohistochemical staining sugges
ted that endothelial cells were the major sources of eotaxin expressio
n. (C) 1998 by The American Society of Hematology.