K. Ackerstaff et al., THE HERMES SPECTROMETER, Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section A, Accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment, 417(2-3), 1998, pp. 230-265
The HERMES experiment is collecting data on inclusive and semi-inclusi
ve deep inelastic scattering of polarised positrons from polarised tar
gets of Il, D, and He-3. These data give information on the spin struc
ture of the nucleon. This paper describes the forward angle spectromet
er built for this purpose. The spectrometer includes numerous tracking
chambers (micro-strip gas chambers, drift and proportional chambers)
in front of and behind a 1.3 T.m magnetic held, as well as an extensiv
e set of detectors for particle identification (a lead-glass calorimet
er, a pre-shower detector, a transition radiation detector, and a thre
shold Cherenkov detector). Two of the main features of the spectromete
r are its good acceptance and identification of both positrons and had
rons, in particular pions. These characteristics, together with the pu
rity of the targets, are allowing HERMES to make unique contributions
to the understanding of how the spins of the quarks contribute to the
spin of the nucleon. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserve