Three methods to convert length-frequency data from Total to Fork leng
th were compared. Datasets from two teleost species, the panga Pterogy
mnus laniarius (with a forked tail) (n = 1500) and lesser gumard Cheli
donichthys queketti (with an emarginate tail) (n = 649) were construct
ed from observed total and fork length measurements to determine the a
ccuracy of the different conversion methods. Results showed that for b
oth tail profiles, the conventional method of simply shifting length c
lasses using a linear relationship was the most inaccurate due to over
lap (and subsequent adding) of the converted size classes. The two met
hods which reallocated lengths between classes, the scale reassignment
and proportional methods were the most accurate and resulted in the l
east data distortion. Both of these methods were shown to have limitat
ions, with the size of the dataset determining which was the most suit
able technique. Datasets with small sample sizes (n < 300) were most a
ccurately converted using the scale reassignment method whilst the pro
portional method of conversion suited the larger datasets (n greater t
han or equal to 649). (C) 1997 Elsevier Science B.V.