Periapical inflammatory responses occur as a consequence of bacterial
infection of the dental pulp, as a result of caries, trauma, or iatrog
enic insult. Periapical inflammation stimulates the formation of granu
lomas and cysts, with the destruction of bone. These inflammatory resp
onses are complex and consist of diverse elements. Immediate-type resp
onses-including vasodilatation, increased vascular permeability, and l
eukocyte extravasation-are mediated by endogenous mediators, including
prostanoids, kinins, and neuropeptides, Non-specific immune responses
-including polymorphonuclear leukocyte and monocyte migration and acti
vation, and cytokine production-are elicited in response to bacteria a
nd their products. Interleukin-1 and prostaglandins in particular have
been implicated as central mediators of periapical bone resorption. C
hronic periapical inflammation further involves specific T- and B-cell
-mediated anti-bacterial responses, and activates a network of regulat
ory cytokines which are produced by Th1- and Th2-type T-lymphocytes. V
arious naturally occurring and genetically engineered models of immuno
deficiency are beginning to help elucidate those components of the imm
une system which protect the pulpal/periapical complex. Both specific
and non-specific responses interface with and are regulated by the neu
ral system. The modulation of these responses by immune response modif
iers, cytokine antagonists, and other novel therapeutic agents is disc
ussed. As an experimental model, periapical inflammation has many adva
ntages which permit it to be used in studies of microbial ecology and
pathogenesis, host response, neuroimmunology, and bone resorption and