We study sufficient conditions for the applicability of the classical
parametric approximation in three-wave interactions when the pump inte
nsity is very large compared to signal and idler intensity. To derive
such conditions we express the exact classical solutions given by Jaco
bian elliptic functions in terms of hyperbolic functions. Thereby the
first minimum of the pump intensity is correctly described but the per
iodicity is lost. We derive new approximations for the initial conditi
ons using pump coordinate scaling and find the interval that defines c
omplete pump depletion. We show that the classical parametric approxim
ation with a fixed and sharp pump amplitude and phase can be used for
an increasing fraction of this interval if the pump intensity is made
to grow. By choosing higher and higher pump intensities the nonlineari
ty is shifted to the end of that interval. As an instructive example f
or the application of these findings the generation of two-mode squeez
ing is briefly considered. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights r