Tables and operations over tables are at the center of the relational
model and have been at the core of the Structured Query Language (SQL)
since ifs development in the 1970s. As database applications have gro
wn rapidly, the concept of fables has been generalized in database lan
guages. The new generalized fable concept in the SQL standard and in s
ome commercial databases includes explicitly defined derived tables, s
uch as user-defined temporary tables, transition tables, user-defined
table functions, and table locators, that can be manipulated by users.
We call them dynamic tables, because their entities exist only at run
time. The challenges that these dynamic fables pose to existing relat
ional engines lie in the linkage between the creation of the derived t
able and its references. In this paper, we describe a uniform framewor
k for compile-time and run-time processing of dynamic tables. We also
give a thorough explanation of how such a generic framework can be rea
lized in existing relational database management systems, such as ISM
DATABASE 2(TM) Common Server. Our experience with our prototype has sh
own the simplicity, generality, and efficiency of our approach.