A developable surface can be formed by bending or rolling a planar sur
face without stretching or tearing; in other words. it can be develope
d or unrolled isometrically onto a plane. Developable surfaces are wid
ely used in the manufacture of items that use materials that are not a
menable to stretching such as the formation of ducts, shoes, clothing
and automobile parts including upholstery and body panels (Frey & Bind
schadler 1993). Designing a ship hull entirely of developable surfaces
would allow production of the hull using only rolling or bending. Hea
t treatment would only be required for removal of distortion, thus gre
atly reducing the labor required to form the hull. Although developabl
e surfaces play an important role in various manufacturing application
s, little attention has been paid to implementing developable surfaces
from the onset of a design. This paper investigates novel. user frien
dly methods to design complex objects using B-spline developable surfa
ces based on optimization techniques. Illustrative examples show the s
ubstantial improvements this method achieves over previously developed