Objective: To describe pure alexia and auditory comprehension problems
in a young woman with multiple sclerosis (MS). Patient: A 33-year-old
woman with MS who complained of difficulties in reading and comprehen
ding spoken language was referred for a neuropsychological examination
. Reading difficulties were confirmed and most of the reading errors w
ere additions, omissions, and substitutions of single letters. While t
he patient reported that the letters seemed to disappear before her ey
es, no general problems with visual attention, visual discrimination,
or scanning were detected. No difficulties with spelling were reported
. The auditory comprehension deficit is interpreted as a form of a sem
antic access disorder and is not due to generalized slowing in informa
tion processing or conceptual disintegration. Conclusions: Pure alexia
is unusual in MS and to our knowledge only 1 other case has been repo
rted (in Japanese). Memory impairments and slowed information processi
ng are probably the most frequent cognitive sequelae of the disease an
d, consequently, the literature is biased toward the study of those co
gnitive domains. However, given the wide distribution of sclerotic pla
ques in MS, it could be argued that we should expect some variability
of cognitive changes in MS. Striking deficits as seen in this patient
should make us more sensitive to this possibility.