Objective-To determine the distribution and importance of various fact
ors, especially the preventable ones, that contribute to cardiac decom
pensation and subsequent hospital admission for heart failure. Methods
-During a one year period patients were prospectively recruited and ev
aluated during their hospital stay by means of a structured personal i
nterview by trained medical staff and through clinical examination and
laboratory investigation. Setting-The cardiological department at a t
eaching affiliated general community hospital in Berlin, Germany. Pati
ents-Consecutive sample of 179 patients admitted to hospital with acut
e decompensation of pre-existing heart failure. Main outcome measures-
Proportional distribution of causative factors leading to hospital adm
ission for heart failure; relative importance of preventable factors;
details of patient compliance with diet and medication, and knowledge
about medication. Results-Mean (SD) age was 75.4 (9.9) years. Potentia
l causative factors for decompensated heart failure were identified in
85.5% of patients. Lack of adherence to the medical regimen was the m
ost commonly identified factor and was regarded as the cause of the ca
rdiac decompensation in 41.9% of cases. Non-compliance with drugs was
found in 23.5% of patients. Other factors related to hospital admissio
n were coronary ischaemia (13.4%), cardiac arrhythmias (6.1%), uncontr
olled hypertension (5.6%), and inadequate preadmission treatment (12.3
%). In all, 54.2% of admissions could be regarded as preventable. Conc
lusions-Many hospital admissions for decompensation of chronic heart f
ailure in patients at a district hospital in Berlin are preventable. M
easures are necessary to improve this situation and evaluation of prog
rammes that include patient education, patient follow up, and physicia
n training is needed.