The role of inflammatory reactions in the pathogenesis of atherosclero
sis is widely accepted. Recently, an increasing body of evidence has l
inked infections to atherosclerosis. It is hypothesized that infection
s could interact with other risk factors of vascular disease, enhancin
g the endothelial damage and the production of atherosclerotic plaques
. Several different infectious agents have been related to the atheros
clerosis genesis: mainly herpesvirus, Helicobacter pylori and Chlamydi
a pneumoniae. Several lines of evidence strongly link C. pneumoniae to
atherosclerosis. Consequently, several studies evaluating the effecti
veness of antibiotic treatment in the reduction of cardiac ischemic ev
ents in patients with C. pneumoniae seropositivity have been performed
. These studies support a causative role for C. pneumoniae. This artic
le reviews the recent evidence linking infections to atherosclerosis,
with emphasis on the role of C. pneumoniae on the atherosclerotic plaq